Thursday, November 29, 2012

Post 4 In Progress

Answering a question about the future is no easy task due to the complexities of the present times that we live in. The future of convergence can only be left up to new innovations in the field of media technology. Also, the world of convergence is left to the big players in media and also society, since they have the final say throughout all. It is up to media producers to direct and nudge convergence, and up to society to either accept it or demand it in different forms/fashions.
Technology and storytelling have a very unique intersection, in that, as technology gets more advanced definitive, the ways in which we tell stories change as well. It is imperative that technology be used to tell stories, because without technology, we would have no way of understanding the past times before us. Even before the most simple innovations before scribes, before the printing press, stories played a crucial role in shaping the magnificent beings that we are. Technology provides platforms in which people can tell their stories, and get their message out to huge audiences, as Barack Obama did throughout both of his presidential campaigns.
We can approach the future with our knowledge of past and contemporary experiences with integrity, demanding sophistication and throwing away simplistic ideas of the past. As consumers, we are increasingly demanding faster, more innovative, more advanced methods of communication, and that letting the producers of boring, simple, slow media fall to the wayside.. Because of this, we can expect for the innovators, big thinkers, and hard workers to rise to the top. Independent media outlets who don’t have as many resources as the huge conglomerates will also notice the change in consumers, and use feedback to give consumers what they want, instead of just putting out media that they think consumers want.
As consumers, we should be thinking about how we can play a bigger role in giving our feedback to the senders. Feedback can play a tremendous role in changing the culture that currently exists. The information that we can give to the producers of media can absolutely change the media that we receive in the future. We have been in the game, but the role we have played has been simply of consuming media. Thanks to the powers of technology, we can effectively give indirect feedback to media creators through sites like Facebook and Youtube. If I watch a trailer for a movie, and I seem to not like it, I can simply write a comment under that video, giving constructive criticism to the video. The producers of that video can collectively use information such as my comment, along with others to direct attention to areas that people feel could have been produced better.

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